Sugar Australia – Difficult Access Project of the Year Rozelle

Project Overview

Sugar Australia, one of the country’s largest producers of refined sugar, operates a state-of-the-art facility that processes over 164,393 tonnes of bulk sugar annually. Located on Rozelle Bay in Sydney Harbour, the facility faces unique challenges in maintaining its infrastructure. The conveyor belt system’s upper metal tubular housing is particularly affected, with harsh saltwater exposure accelerating corrosion. Additionally, the location’s difficult access points add another layer of complexity to essential maintenance work.

To address these challenges without disrupting production, Sugar Australia partnered with Anchor Safe Rope Access. Utilising our specialised expertise in difficult access projects, Anchor Safe Rope Access was able to employ innovative solutions to deliver a high-quality protective coating while ensuring the conveyor system remained operational throughout the process.


  • Painting and protective coating
  • Abrasive blasting

By utilising a combination of Elevated Work Platforms (EWP) and rope access techniques, Anchor Safe Rope Access overcame the access limitations of the site. This allowed the team to complete the abrasive blasting and recoating of the metal housing with minimal disruption to production.

After abrasive blasting, Dulux Durebild STE and Dulux Weathermax HBR coatings were applied to the metal housing. Dulux Durebild STE is known for its superior corrosion protection, while Dulux Weathermax HBR is ideal for harsh industrial and marine environments, offering long-lasting durability. These coatings were crucial for ensuring that the metal housing would withstand the challenging marine environment over the years.

Furthermore, Anchor Safe Rope Access’s commitment to safety and environmental responsibility ensured that all waste was properly managed, recycling was carried out efficiently, and zero safety incidents were reported during the project.


With Anchor Safe Rope Access’s expertise, Sugar Australia achieved the desired outcomes: a long-lasting protective coating for their infrastructure, minimal disruption to operations, and a safe, environmentally responsible project completion. The Sugar Australia project serves as an exemplary showcase of Anchor Safe Rope Access’s expertise and leadership in the rope access and industrial coatings industry. By overcoming difficult access challenges, adhering to environmental and safety protocols, and utilising high-performance coatings, Anchor Safe Rope Access delivered a project that not only met but exceeded the client’s expectations. The success of this project, coupled with its multiple accolades at the Master Painters Awards, underscores the company’s position as an industry leader in providing innovative and sustainable solutions to complex industrial projects.

Awards Won on this project

  • Master Painters Association – Difficult Access Project of the Year – 2023
  • Master Painters Association – Difficult Access Commercial – 2023
  • Master Painters Association – Industrial Finishes – 2023

Award for Excellence; Winner - Difficult Access Project of the Year 2023 - Master Painters Association Award for Excellence; Winner - Difficult Access Commercial 2023 - Master Painters Association Award for Excellence; Winner - Industrial Finishes 2023 - Master Painters Association

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