Download your facade management checklist here

Preventative facade maintenance not only helps to keep your building looking its best but also prevents larger and more costly repairs down the line. The problem with large multi-story buildings is that it’s difficult for owners or managers to check how effective the preventive maintenance is, what’s being attended to and more importantly, what’s potentially being missed. To give you a better understanding of the work that our rope access technicians perform when auditing a building’s facade, we’ve created a comprehensive facade maintenance checklist. This checklist outlines the steps that we take to ensure that your building’s facade is safe, well maintained, and attractive.


Key issues to identify early include external coating bubbling and peeling, facade cracks, concrete spalling, cement render delamination, expansion/control joints, and window sealants. Our detailed inspection process ensures the early detection and effective rectification of these problems, preventing further structural damage and costly repairs.

Our Rope Access Team conducting facade inspections.